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Claudio Nunez

Last Update
2019-07-30 05:23:50

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Artist Profile

Claudio Nuñez was born in Buenos Aires in 1959. He studied classical guitar during the 70s, composition with Hilda Dianda and obtained a choral conductor degree in 1980. Claudio lived in the USA between 1981 and 2004. He has released 7 CDs: "Algunas revelaciones sobre el tango chino", "La zappatilla de zappa" "El zen del tango - el tango del zen", "Paseando por lomas", "Solos en la madrugada" "Freejazz on monday" and "Freejazz on sunday".
He has participated in several projects in Los Angeles (Dannie Cove Big Band, Storacci Sextet, Carlos Miralles group, Bhrama Nada and the Nuñez/Tomlinson/Weiss trio), and in New York (Nuñez-Bagnato duet, the Charlie Martins quartet and several versions of the Claudio Nuñez trío, quartet or quintet with people like Sam Hendrix, John Riley, Larry Grenadier, Matt Wilson, Charles Gayle, William Parker, George Fernandez, etc.), covering the space from modern jazz to freejazz and avant garde classical to indian classical music and new tango.
Claudio has released 6 albums on Clinical Archives (Russia) (Freejazz on monday, Freejazz on Sunday / Solo(s) en la madrugada 1 & 2 / mas cerca del arpa que de la guitarra / dancing about architecture in the titanic / folkdances for unlikely people), 4 albums on WM recordings (Belgium) (odd times, uneven dreams / barking at the wrong tree / naked appearences & interactions) and 1 in Ruidemos (Spain) (música de cámara para...)

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